graffiti and graffiti-influenced grafics since the late 80s
SNAPone - West-Berlin, Germany
#snapone #trece #ti13
SNAPones´ 3d-adventures continue!
another year of painting my stuff on walls!!
No matter what you expect it to be, its gonna be different....stay tuned and check here
The most important thing is to develop a style of being able to visualize your thoughts..
Lately I am drawing daily a few hours before bedtime..Interested in the results??
Since the late 90`s I was very keen to create stuff in 3D-Programs. I even had a short period working as a 3D-Modeller.
Sadly I changed to working for the web, but I always kept on creating stuff in 3D every now and then...
Working on Canvas to me is the highest form of artworking. Its very classical and not as temporary as other artforms; f.e. Graffiti.
The knowledge of the wide range of materials and their interactions is challenging and satisfying so much...